Well only one week to go to the competition and I have been so busy I have neglected to blog for about 3 weeks..MMM shameful display on the lead up to competition diary really.
I have new PT clients that I have been busy with, then theres work and my training..which is becoming a bit of a battle, as is the diet plan as I just want to be able to make the choice to have oven fries instead of veges and maybe some real chocolate instead of a piece of chocolate protein bar ..which incidently has about the same calories as the equivelant weight in choc but bugger all carbs and more protein..hmmm.
I have discovered weight watchers jelly.. YAY something sweet and "free" and I can make it better by adding in protein powder.. pineapple jelly with chocolate protein, strawberry with strawberry, orange with chocolate and lime with vanilla.. and if I try really hard I could almost convince myself its a baseless cheesecake.. or maybe my taste buds have taken a turn for the worst?? Who can say?!
My Bikini arrived yesterday and its positively tiny.. I really hope bikini stick is the good gear or Im gonna spent all day fishing the pants outta my bum..Its very pretty tho and has a nice solid feel which is great.. nothing worse that feeling insecure in ones apparel!
Made by Kirsty @ Flexiwear Apparel.. An absolute legend :0)
other than that I think I am ready .. just spend the next week practicing my posing and routine and bobs your uncle..phew Im nervous and excited...