Wow its been two years since I published anything on this blog... That is a very long time, Mind you there has been a lot of changes in that two years.
Today I was merrily running on my treadmill when the endorphines kicked in and I was feeling awesome having a great time. Then it suddenly occurred to me that, we (people that is) spend way to much time using exercise as a punishment rather than the reward it should be.
How many times have we eaten that thing that we "weren't supposed to" or drank a bit to much or simply just fallen of the wagon and then dragged our perceived badness down to the nearest gym and proceeded to flay ourselves with exercise to atone for our sins? Heaps, I'll bet. I know I have. oh and then there is the dramatic dietary changes that usually accompany these efforts
The results of this are usually less that stellar and result in being in pain, tired, hungry, angry and not feeling too flash about ourselves.
Well what if we shifted our thinking to making our exercise a REWARD? What are you on about, lady? I hear you say...
It works like this, instead of mentally and physically beating yourself up think of it like this; I love my body, I am proud of my body and I choose to honour myself by taking regular vigorous exercise.. which will make me feel good, and my body will love me for it in return. You can do the same thing with how you think about food, I choose to honour myself by making better food choices whenever I can.
Remember its not always possible to get it all "just so" but it is always possible to make a better choice for ourselves.
Final word on this: Reward yourself with exercise and healthier food choices and the pay offs are huge, better health, better self esteem, looking better and heaps more energy. Why would you not want to give yourself that gift?