Thursday, August 5, 2010

New Car

Finally I got a new car!! well not new but newer and new to me .. sporty, red, varoom!!  Bloody bank though wouldnt play because my partner hasnt been in his job for very long.  But never mind I got finance and got the car YAY!!  thanks to the universe or god for the rear ending of last month or else I'd still be driving around in a shitty station wagon dreaming of something better (as you do).

Anyway went a bit short on food today which I'm sure I'll pay for tomorrow at the gym, but thats what happens when you travel, its hard to keep to regular patterns and eating every 2-3 hours doesnt always come away.  But had a good "light" legs day today and a shorter cardio session.  AND chicken with spinach and mushrooms for tea, washed down with some cocoa chai tea and now I'm looking forward to a gooood sleep.

Weighed in at 54.8kg this morning so there went the 2kgs my trainer said had to go and in the two weeks I was allowed to get rid of it.

So new car, weight/fat headed in the right direction.. today was a good day.

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