Sunday, October 24, 2010

I Love Long Weekends!

Long Time no Post (again)  I am nothing if am not consistant in my inconsistancy :0)

Competition was a month ago, and it was awesome! what a great experience and really while its not something I would recommend to everyone, it kind of is at the same time. I guess its the whole think of setting a goal and seeing it through. Talk about an enormous boost to your self esteem and confidence and that wonderful feeling of being able to take on anything.

So I wasnt the most muscular or the leanest bird on stage I am happy with the way I presented on the day.  the competition (as in the other women in my class) was tough, and lots ofthem had been competing for a lot longer than me.. Having said all that I am inspired to continue .. roll on next year!

A month on and my "diet" is a little shaky.. not as clean as it could be and I am having some sort of domestic goddess thing going on.. lots of making bread and that kind of behaviour but its all good!

Friday, September 17, 2010

Wild Weather and Weight Lifting

Its been a wild and stormy day here on the coast. The wind has been roaring like a freight train, sporadic thunder and lightening, rain and hail.. the works really!  Comforting to be curled up in my armchair fire humming away in the background watching movies with a belly full of chai tea and knowing that I dont have to be up at 5.30 in the morning.

Well only one week to go to the competition and I have been so busy I have neglected to blog for about 3 weeks..MMM shameful display on the lead up to competition diary really.
I have new PT clients that I have been busy with,  then theres work and my training..which is becoming a bit of a battle, as is the diet plan as I just want to be able to make the choice to have oven fries instead of veges and maybe some real chocolate instead of a piece of chocolate protein bar ..which incidently has about the same calories as the equivelant weight in choc but bugger all carbs and more protein..hmmm.

I have discovered weight watchers jelly.. YAY something sweet and "free" and I can make it better by adding in protein powder.. pineapple jelly with chocolate protein, strawberry with strawberry,  orange with chocolate and lime with vanilla.. and if I try really hard I could almost convince myself its a baseless cheesecake.. or maybe my taste buds have taken a turn for the worst??  Who can say?!

My Bikini arrived yesterday and its positively tiny.. I really hope bikini stick is the good gear or Im gonna spent all day fishing the pants outta my bum..Its very pretty tho and has a nice solid feel which is great.. nothing worse that feeling insecure in ones apparel!

Made by Kirsty @ Flexiwear Apparel.. An absolute legend :0)

other than that I think I am ready .. just spend the next week practicing my posing and routine and bobs your uncle..phew Im nervous and excited...

Friday, August 20, 2010

New Protein Powder!!

Its been a hectic week.. Topped of with running out of petrol on my way home last night (doh!) Appearantly new car doesnt have a fuel light, which is surprising as it has everything that else opens and shuts! Never mind, YAY road side rescue on my insurance policy :0)

But when I did get home (having picked up my new head phones compliments of the shoe clinic)  there was another package waiting for me on the doorstep.. my new protein powder frm EAT ME. OH yay!!  so stoked! I got 1kg eack of strawberry, vanilla and chocolate so in a break from tradition of having ON rocky road (which is a big fat flavour fail and I have been diligently working my way through it for about 3 months now) I had strawberry porridge this morning .. oh joy.. it was devine, no weird artificial sweetner after taste.. just strawberry YUM YUM YUM.. kinda tastes like nesquick.  I got some free samples a couple of weeks ago, tried them all and was pleasantly surprised.  I had them all with water because water doesnt mask or beef up the flavour like milk can.. Good taste, great texture and mixes really fast and well. This stuff is a winner in my books and the price is right at $46 a kg for regular whey. The other thing I like is it comes in resealable pouches instead of having to dispose of giant plastic barrels (one home only needs so many bicky barrels!!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Competitor Curry

Heres a recipe thats quick, clean and tasty for any one out there who loves their spicy food but is on a competitors food plan..

Serves 2.

  • 1 small onion
  • Minced or fresh garlic
  • Minced or fresh ginger
  • Vegetables of you choice - I had cauliflower, capsicum, mushroom and spinach
  • 1 can of tomatos
  • 185g can of tuna or 250g of skinless boneless chicken breast, sliced or 300g fresh fish.
  • Hot curry powder
  • Spicy boss sauce (worchestershire sauce)

Heat a large frying pan and spray lightly with cooking spray.  Allow to get to almost smoking and throw in your chopped onion and garlic, brown off and add your chicken or fresh fish  if you are using chicken/fish.
When your chicken is almost cooked add the tomato, veges and ginger and turn the heat down, put the lid on and allow to steam until the veges are are almost done .. When the veges are almost soft add your curry powder to taste ( I used a couple of dessert spoons), a dash of Boss sauce and the tuna if you are using tuna.
Allow to steam through for about 10mins and then serve.

I served this on Mung bean thread noodles as I was having a high carb day, but you can serve it on brown rice or just as it is if you arent having the extra carbs at tea time.

Nutrient Profile per serve with the noodles and using fresh cod:

Energy: 279cals
Fat: 3.4g
Protein: 35g
Carbs: 36g

Please note that the Nutrient profile is indicative only and if you want a more exact profile for your own curry go to and enter your ingredients for an accurate reading for your meal.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Home is where the housework is

Home from the "big smoke". Car went extremely well and I think it was an excellent buy ..whew!  Cars are such a major purchase that it always gets my knees knocking just a bit because you never really know what you're getting and a 5 minute test drive does not tell all (not that I even had that lol).

I acheived everything I set out to achieve in Chch.. New car, new running shoes, new cellphone, new hairdo.. it all leads to a bloody big pain in the wallet but sometimes it just has to be done.
Also caught up with my family which was awesome.

A few days of scrappy eating (but extremely clean) has lead to another big weight loss and I am now 53.7kgs.. that went just a little quicker than I would have liked and hopefully Its reflected in my skinfold test this week as I definately look leaner.  I have decided today will be a bit of a "refeed day" as I dont want to lose weight quite so quickly and end up looking scrawny on stage.

So todays plan is easy walk, posing and routine practice (hope I can remember it) and shit loads of housework .. after all home is where the housework is!!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

New Car

Finally I got a new car!! well not new but newer and new to me .. sporty, red, varoom!!  Bloody bank though wouldnt play because my partner hasnt been in his job for very long.  But never mind I got finance and got the car YAY!!  thanks to the universe or god for the rear ending of last month or else I'd still be driving around in a shitty station wagon dreaming of something better (as you do).

Anyway went a bit short on food today which I'm sure I'll pay for tomorrow at the gym, but thats what happens when you travel, its hard to keep to regular patterns and eating every 2-3 hours doesnt always come away.  But had a good "light" legs day today and a shorter cardio session.  AND chicken with spinach and mushrooms for tea, washed down with some cocoa chai tea and now I'm looking forward to a gooood sleep.

Weighed in at 54.8kg this morning so there went the 2kgs my trainer said had to go and in the two weeks I was allowed to get rid of it.

So new car, weight/fat headed in the right direction.. today was a good day.

Monday, August 2, 2010

I Got Abs!!

Ok no photographic proof yet but... I got abs.. holy shit, Its a miracle/milestone/unexpected event!!
Will post photo when I get one. I am so proud of myself,  8 weeks out from competition, all the hard work has been worth it.  Also my arms are starting to cut up a bit and appearantly my back is looking good.. so the food plan works and continue as read for the next eight weeks.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Sunday Lunch -

Extremely Wet Sunday here in normally sunny Greymouth.  So what to do ?  I know I'll start a blog! perfect solution really..Mmm what am I going to write about? All sorts of gibberish about health, fitness, food, my bodybuilding attempts and other matters of very little importance in the scope of things...

First I'm gonna start with lunch .. which I just ate (post 45mins on the treadmil and some posing practice).

Today because it was a wet sunday and I have time on my hands I had egg white pizza.. sounds gross, but actually really bloody tasty and as I'm on this food plan regular pizza is so far off the menu its not funny. The only fly in the ointment is that the grill in my oven appears to have karked it.. Never mind still awesome!!
Heres the recipe give it a go...


  • 1 whole egg

  • 4 egg whites

  • half an onion thinly sliced

  • veges of your choice

  • Tomato paste

  • Cottage Cheese

  • herbs - oregano, basil or whatever
  • Whatever meat you want on it .. this is a vege version

Put your oven on grill and leave it to heat while you cook your veges & onion in a pan until tender.  Transfer vege to a plate.  Whisk up your egg/egg whites add a little milk and pour into pan sprayed with cooking spray.  Allow to cook through until omelette pulls away from the side of the pan.  Transfer omelette to oven slide, grill lightly, then cover with tomato paste and your veges and dot cottage cheese over the top, sprinkle with herbs and put back under the grill until cottage cheese browns a little. 

Voila - pizza for hungery pizza deprived people!!