Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Absolving Responsibility...

Yep, Guilty, Look over here.. I absolve myself of responsibilty in lots of ways,  I blame the weather, my lack of will power, lack of energy, too higher body fat, lack of time, other people, my house not having enough storage.. the list goes on. I think we are all guilty of this to some degree. For me the time hascome to stop passing the buck and get on with living the life I want, starting with the house that doesnt have enough storage.. mmm is that really the problem OR is it that there's just too much crap in it???  I dare say if I wanted to be really honest about it (and really who does want to be honest about these things?) I live in a house with adequate storage and WAY TOO Much crap.. and I use that as an excuse for not really cleaning .. you know the old clean in between the crap thing.  Weelll having just read The Hero's Handbook,  I am going to under take being my own hero by throwing out a whole heap of shite that is literally gathering dust around here...unfortunately its going to have to wait until tomorrow (haahhaa procrastinators unite) as I have to be at work in 39 mins.. but I will chuck that bag of clothes thats been sitting in the bedroom in the car and take it to the sallies.

Its a start

Get your own copy ofThe Hero's Handbook ..its free and it might needle you into doing something about that thing thats been bothering you for a while :-)

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